Rose Knows The Poconos

Maximize Your Mudroom or Entryway for Fall
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

The fall often brings cozy decor, tasty food, and fun celebrations into your home—but it can also be a time for tracking in wet leaves, mud, and other markers of the changing weather. Keeping up with maintenance in your mudroom or entryway is of the utmost importance to prevent any potential damage to your interior.



If you don’t already have a dedicated mudroom, you can still reap the benefits of upgrading your entryway for the season ahead.

Wipe your feet  

The top reason why outside elemen...
7 Simple Gardening Skills Anyone Can Master
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Puttering in the garden is an age-old hobby pursued for several reasons; it can keep you fit, provide food and flowers, and help you live in a more beautiful world. Experienced gardeners say mastering a few simple skills can get you off to a productive start to the home garden of your dreams:

Know your soil. Before you plant, it’s important to know the kind of plants your soil will best support. If you’re new to the neighborhood, ask a neighbor or local garden shop if the soil is alkaline, acid...
5 Ways to Save Energy and Money
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Cutting down on energy use is great for the environment. It can also save you big bucks. Alternative energy proponent IGS Energy suggests four green and easy ways to do both:

Minimize ‘phantom loads.’ The term ‘phantom load’ refers to the energy that an appliance or electronic device consumes when it is not actually turned on. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), some 75 percent of the electricity in an average home is used to power electronics while the products are off. A report...
8 Tricks to Add Privacy to Your Backyard
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Your backyard can be an escape from the world. Whether you have a pool, patio, or garden, your backyard offers a level of tranquility you can’t find anywhere else. However, your peaceful escape can be disrupted by a busy road or nosey neighbor.

That makes adding a level of privacy so important. Adding one of these options provides the privacy you need to truly appreciate your outdoor space.




Fences are a staple in neighborhoods across the country. You’ll have many different types...
Don’t Neglect Your Garage This Winter
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

After the warm weather days are gone, it’s easy to shut your garage door and never look back. Unfortunately, this neglect will lead to stacks of boxes and a large mess  waiting for you as soon as spring begins to bloom. Instead, stay ahead of the game and use these tips to keep your garage organized during the winter—you’ll thank us later!


Do the ultimate purgeTake the time to determine how you want to utilize your garage—maybe you want to be able to park two cars, or store lawn-care equipmen...
Make Your Own Natural Cleaners
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

Here are some DIY cleaning supplies that are as easy on the environment as they are to make!

All-purpose citrus cleaner

  • Citrus peels
  • 1–2 cups white vinegar
  • 15–20 drops of essential oil


Fill a jar of your choice with citrus peels, and then top off with white vinegar. Seal tightly with a lid, and allow to sit for a week. Then, strain the solution into a spray bottle and add your favorite essential
oil. Use wherever you’d use a traditional multipurpose spray.

Floor and glass cle...
How to Clean Painted Walls
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

Did your toddler scribble on the walls? Or perhaps a year or two of wear and tear have your interior paints looking less than pristine. If your walls could use a little TLC, but you’re not quite ready for a fresh coat of paint, consider the following methods for freshening up.

Latex PaintsWhether you have dirt or dust clogging up your paint job, all you need to do is mix a few drops of dish soap into warm water, soak and wring a sponge, and go. Be sure to wring the sponge to avoid long drips ma...
Rose Sawyer
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