Rose Knows The Poconos

Rose Sawyer 11 years ago

Like many folks, the first step in winning the Clutter War  in my Poconos homes was to de-bug my own mind!  Most of us don’t recognize clutter when it falls out of the closet onto our heads, so how in the world will we conquer it?  Let’s start by defining what clutter is.  Clutter is anything in your home:

* That is out of place.

* That is broken.

* That you have not used or worn in more than a year.

* That you dislike.

Now don’t panic.  I won’t be telling you to throw everything away that...
Rose Sawyer 11 years ago

Homeowner's Declaration of Independence

 As a longtime homeowner in The Poconos I have had to deal with my #1 enemy—the monster that lurks under every bed and in every closet—CLUTTER!  Nothing will interfere with your enjoyment of your home as much as disorganization and clutter. 

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some tips on how to simplify your household and get organized.  But first, let’s look at some ways to prevent the clutter in the first place.  You can call this your Homeowne...
Rose Sawyer 11 years ago

I came across this great article on Trulia and wanted to share it with you. It contains great advice for both buyers and sellers.

"In today’s' market every savvy seller wants to know what turns buyers off, so they can get their homes sold as quickly as possible, for as much as possible. But buyers, take note - there is a minefield of seller turn-offs you can trigger that hold the potential to keep you from getting the home you want at the best price and terms, or to unnecessarily complicate dea...
Rose Sawyer
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