Rose Knows The Poconos

Tips for Redesigning Your Patio Space
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Sometimes, we spend so much time focusing on interior design that we forget about the outdoor spaces of our homes. Many people with patios neglect that space, which means they’re missing out on beautiful outdoor retreats. If your patio decor is lacking, there are countless ways to add some flair to it.


Pillows and rugs

Get floor pillows that you and your guests can use to sit on the ground for more relaxed occasions. You can also cover the ground with an outdoor rug that will bring a little...
Quick Pickles
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

You started a garden this year and you’ve been mildly successful, which means right about now you are inundated with the likes of fresh peppers, cucumbers, zucchini and squash. You don’t want all that hard work to go to waste. So why not turn some of that bounty into pickles?

Making vegetables into quick pickles is much easier than proper canning, and less intimidating, but they won’t last quite as long. But properly stored, quick pickles can still last up to few weeks in the fridge.

The best p...
Late Summer Projects to Complete Before Fall
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

If you’re still enjoying the lazy days of summer, there are some projects you can be doing to prep your home for fall.  Knocking out some small projects now will not only lessen the workload down the road but will also help you avoid the stress and expense of emergency situations in the thick of cooler weather.


1. Have your furnace inspected.

While the thought of heating your house in August probably isn’t at the top of your list, August is a great month to have an HVAC pro come in (before th...
How Much Do You Need for an Emergency Fund?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

An emergency fund should cover disasters such as a job loss, sudden illness, broken car or other catastrophe that can leave you without money or the means to work for a while. Knowing how much money to save depends on a few factors. Here are some to consider:

InsuranceLife, health, auto and supplemental insurance should cover some of life’s unexpected downfalls. That’s what they’re there for and should be used when needed. But many will include a deductible or copayment to be made, so having at...
Kitchen Essentials for First-Time Cooks
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Some kitchen tools and gadgets are splurges—an ice cream maker is probably rarely used by most—and others are essentials that you’ll likely use daily.

If you’re just starting out in the kitchen and don’t own much more than a pot and a spoon, here are some essential items that are worth the money and will get you ready for cooking.

Chef’s KnifeA full set of knives is great, but the one you’ll use most often is a chef’s knife—a big blade that can do many cutting tasks. A good knife will make cook...
Looking for a Hobby? You Can Start Today!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

With lives full of work and obligations, it’s important to make time for leisure and fun. We become depleted and stressed when we don’t do enough of the activities that bring us joy. If you’re stuck in a rut with your daily routine, it’s the perfect time to start up a new hobby.


If you’re an active person…

Already like to exercise or spend time outside? Try one of these active hobbies that feels more like an activity than your daily routine of hitting the gym.


Hiking is a more scenic...
The Best Breeds for First-Time Homeowners
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

If you’re a first-time homeowner, the odds are good you will soon be ready for the fun and responsibility of owning your first dog.

If you’re looking for a pet that suits you and your lifestyle, the pooch experts at suggest breeds that are low maintenance, shed minimally, are easily trainable, and get along well with kids and other dogs:

Labrador retriever. There’s a reason these dogs are among the most popular breeds in the country. Known to be loyal, intelligent, obedient, and...
Rose Sawyer
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