Rose Knows The Poconos

Create Your French Country Kitchen
CENTURY 21 Select Group 6 months ago

French country is a traditional design style that delightfully blends continental European sensibilities with rustic country charm. A French country kitchen can be perfect for anyone seeking the effortless yet refined look of this style. Here are some ways to incorporate French country design into your kitchen:


Choose warm, earthy colors, such as cream, beige, off-white or light yellow, for your walls and cabinets. You can also add some splashes of color with accents like curtains, dishw...
Make Your Home Cozy for Fall
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

The annual approach of winter makes autumn an ideal time to bring in fun decor elements like fluffy throws and pillows, candles, and warm autumnal colors. Follow these tips to make your home the coziest it can be.


We put on extra clothing when autumn temperatures drop, and it’s a good idea to dress your home with additional elements of warmth too. A thick fabric welcome mat by your front door will provide something soft to sink your feet into, while long curtain panels i...
End of Summer Property Maintenance You Can't Afford to Ignore
CENTURY 21 Select Group 7 months ago

As the summer winds down, many homeowners are looking to fall for their seasonal home sweep. But by completing several tasks now, when you have a more flexible schedule and longer daylight hours, you can prepare your property for the upcoming season. Below are a few tasks to tackle before fall officially arrives.

Clean and seal your deck. If you have a deck or porch that got a lot of use this summer, take the time to power wash it, or at least give it a manual scrub down. Once the area is clean...
Backyard Hidden Dangers
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

A backyard can be an excellent place to let your kids and pets play and to entertain guests, but it could also be filled with hazards. One trip or a curious child or pet could lead to an accident and serious injuries, as well.

WaterPools and hot tubs may look appealing to kids, but they can be deadly. Ponds, lakes and streams can also pose a threat to your family. Even if kids only sneak outside unsupervised for a minute, they can drown, even in shallow water. If you have a pool or hot tub in y...
4 Tidy Tips from Home Organizing Pros
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

Getting your home organized is a lifelong battle. For the project-minded people, it may feel like it should be a one-and-done event, but the experts have different views. Setting aside time throughout key points in the year to organize can be the difference between chaos and calm. These four tidy tips are sure to help you all year long.

Act NowInstead of waiting and searching for the “perfect” solution, find a solution that is helpful in the here and now. You can always change things up down th...
Prevent Weeds This Summer
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

To start preparing your property against weeds, inspect these following areas to make sure they won’t be hospitable to them. Consult your local landscaping professionals as well, to come up with a detailed plan to prevent weeds.

Pathways. Paths made from loose materials, such as bark mulch, decomposed granite or stones, can act as seeding beds, offering a natural spot for weeds to grow. Have weed preventer sprayed on these materials. Underneath shrubs. Areas under shrubs can be hard to reach,...
Time for Operation Declutter!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

What words would you use to describe your home? If you said peaceful, clean, inviting, or organized, congratulations—it sounds like you’ve cracked the declutter code. If you said chaotic, overwhelming, or messy, let’s chat. Of course, it’s perfectly natural for your home to alternate through phases of clean and cluttered; we’re human, after all. Here are some strategies for streamlining your space.


ENTRYWAY: Establish a landing area for your keys, wallet, purse, and shoes. A console table wit...
Rose Sawyer
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