Rose Knows The Poconos

4 Simple Family Activities to Promote Health Living
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Keeping your family healthy is a top priority, but with everything we have to juggle in modern-day life, that’s easier said than done. Luckily, there are simple activities your whole family can enjoy that will promote a health-focused lifestyle in adults and children alike.

Visit a U-Pick FarmYoung children will especially enjoy visiting a local farm, but teens and adults alike can enjoy seeing where food is sourced. Visit a U-pick farm and gather some of your favorite fresh fruits and veggies....
At-Home Date Nights That May Beat Going Out
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Whether it’s because you have kids at home and no babysitter, or because your favorite date-night haunts are currently off the table, most of us are spending far more time at home these days—and nights—than we’d like. Here are some fresh, new date night ideas to help make your evenings at home more fun.

Pick a puzzle – Remember jigsaw puzzles? Those 500-piece challenges you were tempted to save and frame after all the fun and work that went into them? Pick out one that recalls your favorite va...
10 Tips to Stretch Your Food Budget
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Food is a major expense in any household, and for those on a tight budget, a few dollars saved can make a big difference. offers 10 tips based on planning and smart shopping to help you feed your family while keeping more money in your wallet.

1. Plan, plan, plan. Before you head to the grocery store, plan your meals for the week. Include meals like stews, casseroles or stir fries, which “stretch” expensive items into more portions. Check to see what foods you already have, an...
The 4 Steps to Food Safety
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this country’s food supply is among the safest in the world. However, certain bacteria and pathogens can contaminate food and cause foodborne illness, commonly known as food poisoning.

Although most healthy people will quickly recover from a foodborne illness, some can develop chronic, severe or even life-threatening health problems. To keep your family safer from food poisoning, the FDA recommends following four simple steps: clean, sep...
Good News: You Can Wash These Items in Your Washing Machine
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

You may be meticulous about checking your clothing labels to find out if they’re machine washable, but what about other items around the house in need of a deep clean? Your washing machine can actually be put to work on several surprising items (but do check labels first, just in case!):

Pillows. Pillows should be cleaned every 3 – 6 months to remove bacteria and mold. Whether yours are made from natural material, like down, or synthetics, toss them in the washing machine for a thorough cleaning...
Whats The Difference Between Home Staging and Decorating?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

Staging your home for an open house is crucial in adding appeal to buyers. However, many are unaware of the difference between full-on redecorating and simply staging a home to be presentable for showings.

Here is a breakdown of what home staging really means and how you can get your interior ready for the market.

Clean instead of buyThere are many ways to spruce up your interior space without breaking the bank. Make sure to do a thorough cleaning of every surface and room, including baseboard...
Opening Possibilities With a New Door
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago
Looking for a new, and relatively easy way to spruce up your home and add curb appeal? Consider updating your doors inside and out. Upgrade from that tired old entryway while adding energy efficiency and value to your home.  

The front door is the first thing people will see when they arrive and the last thing they’ll see before they leave. And anyone driving past your home will see your front door as well. So, you want something that looks elegant and stands out. The main consideration is the...
Rose Sawyer
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