What's on Your Mind? The Psychology of Color in Interior Decorating

Selecting the color schemes for all the elements that make up our homes can be daunting. From big elements with large swaths of color like walls, floors and furniture, to smaller decorative pieces like lamps, the choices we make will have an impact on how comfortable and relaxed we feel living in that space. Color psychology studies how colors affect the human brain. The results suggest that response to color is highly individual and not everyone responds to color in the same way.


For example, some people perceive black as a depressing and demotivating color while others see black as representing order and functionality. Some may see red as threatening while others find it energizing. Therefore, it is important to choose colors that reflect your personality and the atmosphere you are trying to create.

Here is a glimpse into how to select colors to enhance your mood and mindset:

Red is one of the most vibrant colors and represents love, friendship and courage. The addition of red creates excitement and energy in any room. In the living room or dining room, reds can stimulate conversation. Long associated with love and desire, red hues in a bedroom inspire passion. Red can be used with more calming complementary colors like yellow, white or green to balance its fiery nature.

Brown is a softer and lighter variation of red. Its earthy tones are associated with feelings of warmth, security and relaxation. Brown is very versatile and feels right at home in either a rustic or an elegant setting. It pairs well with brighter, happier colors like yellow, red, white, green or orange to liven up the room and elevate emotions.

Orange is another vibrant color that evokes the beauty of nature – think bright sunshine, glorious sunsets and autumn leaves. The overall effect of orange on the emotions is a positive one. It reminds us of vacations in tropical locales or, according to psychologists, the color promotes creativity and is especially energizing. It can help people feel bold and more extroverted. Bring touches of orange into your living room in cushions or chairs or go even bigger with an accent wall to complement more neutral colors. The cheerful nature of orange is perfect to introduce into a kitchen to energize the chef.

The vibrancy of yellow has long been associated with sunshine and happiness. Including yellow in your color scheme will certainly lift your spirits. It is a wonderful choice for dining rooms, hallways, kitchens and bathrooms. Some people will find yellow to be energizing in a home office, inspiring them to be more creative. Make sure to use the color sparingly as it can be too much of a good thing. Yellow is a color that will pop in any room and works especially well with grey and white.

Blue is among the most calming colors in the interior designer's palette. Blue is known to calm the mind, bring down blood pressure and slow the heart rate. This is particularly true of blues found in nature like sky blues and light blues that bring ocean images to mind. Because it has such a positive effect on the mind, blue can be used throughout the home. It is a color that is pleasing to the eye and works well with both contemporary and traditional décor. No wonder most people rate blue as their favorite color. Blue is an ideal choice for creating an atmosphere of calm and tranquility in your home.

Green is the color most people associate with nature (forests, grass, fields) and harmony. That is why so many of us share our homes with plants. It is a very versatile color evoking diverse emotions based on the shade. For example, light greens remind us of water images and tend to calm us. Darker shades are associated with greed and jealousy, which tend to make us angry. Green hues on bathroom walls or floors make the room feel fresh and soothing. Overall, most people will say that green makes them feel safe and secure.

The color schemes we choose for our homes can make a positive impact on our moods and overall psychological well-being. Choose the colors that bring you joy and comfort. Contact us for more ideas on how to color your world beautifully.

Rose Sawyer
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