Winter’s Bounty: 5 Seasonal Squashes


In the squash world, pumpkins tend to steal the limelight. From decorating to drinking, there’s not a fall day that goes by without the mention of a pumpkin-spiced something. But, in actuality, there are multiple other flavorful winter squash varieties that can brighten up even the coldest of winter days.

acorn squashAcorn
This dark-green-colored squash is named for its acorn-like appearance. One of the most popular members of the gourd family, it can be found year-round at almost every grocery store throughout the country. Its mild flavor makes it a good option for roasting, baking, steaming, mashing, and sautéing.

butternut squashButternut
Commonly found in mashes and purees, this winter squash is the sweetest of its kind. With its distinct elongated pear shape and yellow-tan color, the butternut squash is easy to handle and can be found on numerous seasonally inspired menus in the form of a popular soup.

kabocha squashKabocha
Kabocha squash wears many hats. Its unique appearance, with a dark green and bumpy skin, makes it a lovely option for a seasonal table decoration. When you cut into it, you’ll find a mildly sweet flesh that pairs well with ginger and sesame flavors.

delicata squashDelicata
Delicate, indeed—this yellow-and-green-striped squash is the smallest in the family, and it can often be overlooked due to its stature and short shelf life. However, its distinct nutty and corn-like flavor works well when roasted with butter, or it can even be stuffed and baked.

hubbard squashHubbard
The Hubbard squash is one of the largest winter squashes on the market. Due to its large size and tough rind, this squash is often sold in precut and seedless chunks. Its flavor is similar to that of a pumpkin, and it’s at its best when roasted with warm spices like cumin or nutmeg.

Rose Sawyer
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