Rose Knows The Poconos

Dashing Through the Snow
Rose Sawyer 10 years ago

It's been a great week for Pocono real estate! I showed homes when it was 16 degrees outside, took a break the next day because of road conditions , then was out with the same couple the following day when we had a little warm spell - 25 degrees. Today I will be out with a different couple; it is 18 degrees outside.

A lesson to be learned here, my friends.  Serious buyers are out looking at homes NOW. We missed seeing some great homes because the driveways weren't plowed, or the driveway was...
A Clean Sweep (Get that chimney cleaned!)
Rose Sawyer 10 years ago

Winter is quickly approaching here in The Poconos. Curling up by the fireplace is part of any picturesque winter scene, but only if your chimney and fireplace are in tiptop shape. To keep the cozy fires going safely all winter long, start thinking about your fireplace now with these maintenance tips.

First, make sure to schedule a yearly chimney sweep and inspection. It’s best to hire a professional. The pros will help remove creosote, a byproduct of burning wood that can cause chimney fires,...
Rose Sawyer 10 years ago

As a homeowner in the Poconos, I am always looking for ways to brighten up my home and increase energy efficeincy. When it comes to window treatments, the options might seem endless, but the decision process doesn’t have to be overwhelming. HGTV recommends that you focus on the four main options: blinds, shutters, shades and curtains.

During the winter months, window treatments can affect the temperature in your home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, pairing close-fitting drapes with...
Rose Sawyer 10 years ago

I had to give in this week and turn the heat on. I usually insist on bundling up and waiting until November, but with a chilly 29 degrees outside it was time to crank it up.

As a homeowner in The Poconos, I know that when the temperature outside begins to fall, our heating bills quickly start to rise.  For many homeowners, keeping their house warm in the winter means paying a hefty heating bill.  Luckily, there are some ways to help reduce those costs and keep a little extra cash in your pocket...
Rose Sawyer 10 years ago


Are you ready for a kitchen upgrade but lacking an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink kind of budget? Plenty of low-cost improvements can revive a kitchen without the need to rip out cabinets and rewire appliances. Consider these tips from This Old House and HGTV.

Color Splash: With a new coat of paint and some other accents, you might not even recognize your own kitchen. Make over dark wood or white cabinets with a cool hue, such as pale sage green, or create visual impact by pa...
Rose Sawyer 11 years ago

Like many folks, the first step in winning the Clutter War  in my Poconos homes was to de-bug my own mind!  Most of us don’t recognize clutter when it falls out of the closet onto our heads, so how in the world will we conquer it?  Let’s start by defining what clutter is.  Clutter is anything in your home:

* That is out of place.

* That is broken.

* That you have not used or worn in more than a year.

* That you dislike.

Now don’t panic.  I won’t be telling you to throw everything away that...
Rose Sawyer 11 years ago

Homeowner's Declaration of Independence

 As a longtime homeowner in The Poconos I have had to deal with my #1 enemy—the monster that lurks under every bed and in every closet—CLUTTER!  Nothing will interfere with your enjoyment of your home as much as disorganization and clutter. 

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some tips on how to simplify your household and get organized.  But first, let’s look at some ways to prevent the clutter in the first place.  You can call this your Homeowne...
Rose Sawyer
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