Rose Knows The Poconos

Spring Cleaning: Time to Take a Look at the Yard
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 month ago

Springtime is the best time to tackle outdoor cleaning. After a long winter spent indoors, you will want to get the job done before it gets too hot to work outside during the day. But what do you need to clean your home's exterior? Here is our guide to outdoor cleaning to keep your home and backyard looking fantastic.

Pressure washing

How often should you pressure wash your siding or driveway? Most experts agree that you should pressure wash your home every 6 to 12 months to protect it from mol...
What's on Your Mind? The Psychology of Color in Interior Decorating
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 months ago

Selecting the color schemes for all the elements that make up our homes can be daunting. From big elements with large swaths of color like walls, floors and furniture, to smaller decorative pieces like lamps, the choices we make will have an impact on how comfortable and relaxed we feel living in that space. Color psychology studies how colors affect the human brain. The results suggest that response to color is highly individual and not everyone responds to color in the same way.

For example,...
End of Summer Property Maintenance You Can't Afford to Ignore
CENTURY 21 Select Group 8 months ago

As the summer winds down, many homeowners are looking to fall for their seasonal home sweep. But by completing several tasks now, when you have a more flexible schedule and longer daylight hours, you can prepare your property for the upcoming season. Below are a few tasks to tackle before fall officially arrives.

Clean and seal your deck. If you have a deck or porch that got a lot of use this summer, take the time to power wash it, or at least give it a manual scrub down. Once the area is clean...
4 Tidy Tips from Home Organizing Pros
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

Getting your home organized is a lifelong battle. For the project-minded people, it may feel like it should be a one-and-done event, but the experts have different views. Setting aside time throughout key points in the year to organize can be the difference between chaos and calm. These four tidy tips are sure to help you all year long.

Act NowInstead of waiting and searching for the “perfect” solution, find a solution that is helpful in the here and now. You can always change things up down th...
Prevent Weeds This Summer
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

To start preparing your property against weeds, inspect these following areas to make sure they won’t be hospitable to them. Consult your local landscaping professionals as well, to come up with a detailed plan to prevent weeds.

Pathways. Paths made from loose materials, such as bark mulch, decomposed granite or stones, can act as seeding beds, offering a natural spot for weeds to grow. Have weed preventer sprayed on these materials. Underneath shrubs. Areas under shrubs can be hard to reach,...
Time for Spring Cleaning!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 year ago

When the trees start budding again, and flowers begin to dot the yard with their bright colors, it's the perfect time to spring clean. While we might dread spring cleaning, it helps us refresh our home environment after a long, cold winter and move refreshed into a bright new season. But where should you focus your attention? Here is our Spring Cleaning 101 Guide.

Freshen your mats and rugs

Indoor and outdoor mats and rugs can collect a lot of dirt tracked into the house by people and pets over...
Rose Sawyer
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